What is a WarmMark temp tag?
WarmMark is a single-use, ascending time and temperature indicator that, depending on the particular temperature threshold of that sensor, indicates whether exposure to a given duration is brief, medium, or prolonged in addition to changing color when temperatures rise to a predetermined threshold.
How to use WarmMarks time temperature indicators?
Arming and Use: WarmMark Short Run, Long Run, Duo
- Before arming the device, the WarmMark breach window or windows should all be white.
- The WarmMark indicator must be armed by putting it in an environment that is at least 5°C (9°F) below the WarmMark’s activation threshold temperature and keeping it there for at least 30 minutes.
- The WarmMark indicator can be armed by folding it up and pulling out the activation tab until the barrier film and tab are fully removed.
- In order to prevent activation, place a WarmMark indicator that has an activation threshold temperature lower than the surrounding air temperature as soon as possible in the environment that will be monitored.
- After removing the WarmMark’s adhesive liner, attach the indicator to a dry, clean surface. a. The WarmMark needs to be placed where the recipient of the tracked package can see it. b. The WarmMark can be placed within the box or immediately on the product that is being watched.
- Following arming, any color change in the breach window(s), whether light pink, pink, or red, indicates an equal temperature excursion.
*Run out times are calculated with a constant temperature that is 2°C above the threshold of the indicator. Higher temperatures will cause runout to occur more quickly. While the Prolonged (Window 3 or only window) is controlled to the time specification, the Brief (Window 1) and Moderate (Window 2) time figures are for guidance only.
How to read WarmMark temp tag, WarmMark Duo and Long Run.
SpotSee WarmMark Specifications
Temperature Accuracy: +1°C Activation Method: Manual Pull-tab Product Life: 2 years from date of sale Mounting Method: Pressure-sensitive adhesive Storage Conditions: Store in a cool dark environment, below the response temperature of the indicator; 35-55% RH
Activation Temperature Levels: Sensitivities available between -18°C and 37°C. Run Out Time: See Response Temperatures table for details Dimensions: 46 x 19 x 1.5mm
WarmMark Long Run
Activation Temperature Levels: 10°C and 34°C Run Out Time: See WarmMark Duo Run out times table for details Dimensions: 98.1 x 19 x 1.5mm
WarmMark Duo
Activation Temperature Levels: Sensitivities available 10°C and 31°C. Run Out Time: See WarmMark Long Run run out times table Dimensions: 98.1 x 19 x 1.5mm